I've been strategizing web design since the early 2000s, long before template websites and DIY builders were mainstream. The unique advantage of witnessing the evolution of web development is that it has provided me with a front-row seat to see how old-school development thinking has held organizations hostage.
Does this sound familiar?
You parted ways with a key team member and must update the About Us page ASAP ('cause it wasn't exactly a friendly split). You tell your marketing leader, who then requests the change from the developer. And then you wait. Sometimes, it's done the same day, and other times, you have to nudge them a week later. Either way, you're always waiting on them because they are the only ones with access to get it done.
Friend, it's 2024. It doesn't have to be this way. Frankly, it shouldn't be this way. But for many organizations, this is just "how we've always done it."
A few weeks ago, I was coaching a client with big ideas for a new service offering they wanted to launch. However, their website was not ready to support the communication campaign. It was severely outdated because updating it was "just too hard." Our client was not happy with the state of their website but also felt stuck because "my web guy insists I have to be on WordPress. and he gets a little moody when I ask for changes". I wish this were the first time I've heard this, but it's not. For our client to create an experience for website visitors to learn about their new offerings, they must go through a 3-8 week process with the developer. Let's be honest: 3-8 weeks is a death sentence to any marketing campaign in today's fast-paced business landscape.
As a strategist, I balance respecting my clients' decisions with telling them that stupid choices yield foolish results. Settling for less on your website because your old-school developer is stuck in 2009 thinking is exactly that: foolish, and it leads to all kinds of problems, starting with a gap in your brand strategy.
For nearly two decades, I've been neutral about website development. I believe the tool should support the strategy and that there are many tools to choose from. But my need to not offend anyone by telling them their developer is handcuffing them has held me back from sharing my full opinion on the subject.
First, if your web developer insists you need to be on WordPress, there's a 95% chance they're just making it hard for you to leave them. It's a strategy many marketing agencies and developers use to protect their revenue. It's not inherently wrong but rooted in their best interest, not yours.
Second, there's a significant difference between a website template and a website platform. A template puts you in a box, while a platform helps you build the box you want.
My verdict is that you either want a custom-coded site or a platform site like Wix or Webflow.
Keep old-school thinking from holding your business back. Your marketing team deserves the autonomy to bring campaigns to life without waiting on someone else's timeline. - Elizabeth Mead

Wix: The Unsung Hero of Web Platforms
No website platform is perfect, but let's give credit where it's due. Wix serves up the most comprehensive business engine out there. I'm tired of the WordPress vs. Wix argument, which honestly died in 2016 when Wix heard the feedback and dedicated much energy to being better. It's 2024, people! Wix has not only caught up with WordPress, but they have also long surpassed it in many ways. Newsweek, SEMRush, Website Builder Experts, Red Switch (and more) have all concluded that Wix beats WordPress when it comes to websites.
The Quick Test for Your Website's Effectiveness
Is your website right for you? Here are a couple of questions to ask yourself.
How long would it take to change an existing page or add a new one today? If you're at the mercy of a developer for anything beyond simple text swaps, your site is not serving you.
How many plugins does your current site have? If you have more than two, you're risking too much in maintenance. It's like juggling chainsaws—one misstep, and you're in trouble.
We compared marketing teams that were able to manage their own changes to those that had to submit change orders. Those strategically set up in platforms like Wix, Webflow, Weebly, and SquareSpace yielded faster, more efficient results and were up to 1500% more effective than template-based builders.
Websites are irrelevant if they aren't built with your customer's experience in mind. While many website-building platforms exist, Team Tandem has found that Wix is the best engine for 98% of our clients. The other 2% need custom code.
Red Flags in Web Development. Yep - I'm going there.
🚩 They purchased the domain for you in their account.
🚩 They hold all the keys to your domain and website (and could lock you out).
🚩 They tell you it's too complicated to explain; you just need to trust them.
🚩 You have to go through them to get website data stories.
🚩 There is no exit strategy if your partnership with them ends.
🚩 The fine print of your agreement states that they own your content, and you'll have to delete it if the relationship ends.
🚩 They tell you that Wix (or any other brand other than the one they insist you have to use) sucks at SEO.
These are all red flags the size of Texas (IMOH).
Ready to Break Free?
The bottom line to all this website stuff is that your site is often the first impression and the first invitation to engage with your business. It's the digital equivalent of a physical lobby. So be honest—are you treating it like the basement?
At Tandem, we've got web development down to such a science that we often go live within a week. And no, this isn't a cookie-cutter, rinse-and-repeat job. We custom-tailor, down to the pixel, full-functioning websites with automation, appointment booking, eCommerce stores—even hotel functions—in 60% less time than a traditional agency. The result? Triple to quadruple-digit ROI compared to its status-quo counterparts.
Here's your invitation to break free from outdated web practices and enter a future where your team has the autonomy it needs to thrive. It all starts with a complimentary strategy session to ideate on your website needs. Choose a time to chat here.